Title: Virtual Ants Screen Saver Author: Bill Chance, ChanceW1@aol.com Language: Borland C++ 4.5 Platform Windows 3.1 Restrictions: Public domain, no restrictions on use Date: August 23, 1995 Keywords: Windows Screen Saver Known Bugs: None Abstract: A windows Screen Saver module, virtual Ants eat your screen. This is a screen saver module I wrote with Borland C++, using a vitual ant, a two dimensional finite state entity. Set the screensaver from Control Panel->Desktop->ScreenSaver "virtual ants" The ant has a foreground and a background color and will turn left or right depending on the present pixel color. There are two patterns to choose from, or a general "fog" pattern. Play around with the various options to find something you like. This is a very simple screen saver, butone of my favorites. Please email me with any comments. Bill Chance Nicklee Software Mesquite, Texas